Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cbristmas Bonus Episode!

What better way to share the Christmas spirit than to give you a little something extra this Sunday before Christmas.

Enjoy now a few extra tidbits about Lionel Barrymore and "A Christmas Carol" from the Campbell Playhouse that didn't make the cut on our December 20th Old Time Radio Express show.  I've also got for you a unique 30 minutes called "The Plot to Overthrow Christmas" on This is My Best - a Christmas tale told in verse and starring Ray Collins and Orson Welles, true radio heavyweights, literally and figuratively.  (Though to be fair, in 1944, Welles was not a literal heavyweight.  See the photo right of Welles in that same year in the movie, Jane Eyre.  Compare that with the below left photo of Welles from Touch of Evil in 1958).

Show #6 of the Old Time Radio Express - A Christmas Carol

This week on the Old Time Radio Express, you get very little of me and a very much of Lionel Barrymore, Orson Welles and great old time radio, in "A Christmas Carol" on The Campbell Playhouse.

I know you listen for various reasons - some love the radio and want less chatter from the host, and some are hearing OTR for the first time and like the tidbits.  This week, I'm giving you the best of both worlds - this episode is 60 solid minutes of some of the best OTR has to offer.  As a supplement, for those who want it, I'm posting an internet-only mini-OTR Express show with my thoughts on this program.  I'll also be sharing a much lesser known Christmas tale that I think you'll like.  I didn't plan it this way, but Orson Welles figures prominently in both programs.

Link: Show #6 - A Christmas Carol (Having a little difficulty with the typical podcast source, so bear with me!)