Thanks for your patience, Old Time Radio Express fans! Last Sunday, we had a couple of Producer Zeke's favorite shows - "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" and "Bob and Ray".

Though Holmes was portrayed on radio by two of the men best-known for playing him on the stage and screen (William Gillette and Basil Rathbone), English actor John Stanley did a very serviceable job as Holmes for two year period from 1947-1949 on the Mutual Broadcasting Company airwaves under the sponsorship of Clipper Craft Clothes. Enjoy Holmes and Watson try to solve "The Cadaver in the Roman Toga", from November 9, 1947.

Next, Zeke chose some classic comedy from Bob Elliott and Ray Goulding, a two man comedy team that did all sorts of characters and voices. Bob & Ray started at the end of the golden age, and were still as funny as ever on shows like Laugh-In and Saturday Night Live.
Bob & Ray are some of my all-time favorites, and the more you know old time radio shows, the funnier they are, since they tend to spoof popular shows. For example, "Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy" became "Jack Headstrong, the All-American American" in Bob & Ray's hands.