We start with a program more informational and educational than entertaining - You Can't Do Business With Hitler. In fact, this is the premier episode of the program, cleverly titled "Heads They Win, Tails We Lose". (As a sidebar, did anyone else play that game with a younger sibling when younger? Or how about trying to convince your younger sibling to trade dimes for your nickels because they were bigger? Or was that just me?)
Our second example of how radio battled Nazism is in Lights Out's production of a brilliant little radio play entitled "Execution", from April 27, 1943.

The main Nazi, who has written the report, is voiced by Edgar Barrier. He was not putting on a "voice" in this broadcast - that was his normal voice. As you can imagine, he found himself playing a lot of Germans and other heavily accented characters, mostly villains, throughout radio. Check him out in the Orson Welles/Joseph Cotten thriller "Journey Into Fear"

Lou Merrill plays the soldier who leads the women up to the scaffold, and was all over radio, with a voice that was suited to both paranoid killers (on Lights Out) and Santa Claus (on The Cinnamon Bear). He didn't do much in the movies, but has a nice bit part in the Orson Welles/Rita Hayworth classic "Lady From Shanghai". He's one of the sailors in the early bar scene. I can't find a picture of Lou Merrill on the internet for the life of me. That tells you he was a true radio actor!

One thing for sure, we'll hear lots more of McCambridge, Barrier, Merrill and Conreid....it'd be hard not to with how prolific they were. Have a great Memorial Day weekend!