What better way to kick off the month of August (or any month for that matter) with Jack Benny? This week, we get right to the good stuff, with four clips from a collection called "The Best of Benny".
This was one of my earliest collections and the punchline "DOFRB" is still engrained in my head. Listen and find out...
Then we follow up with part 1 of "A Coffin for the Lady" on Adventures by Morse. Adventures by Morse may be only the third or fourth most popular show by writer Carlton E. Morse, but it's perfect for the OTR Express.

So we settle (and I use the term loosely) for Adventures by Morse, a 30-minute serial format show, with plots that ran in alternating 3 and 10 episode arcs.
"A Coffin For the Lady" is a 3 episode storyline, and great adventure like only Morse could do. The beginning of the story finds our heroes on a desolate island somewhere in remote Canada...