Monday, December 27, 2010

Oh no you didn't...

The NBC mikes were a long
way from the days of playing
vaudeville for Jim and Marian
Jordan (Fibber McGee & Molly).
Oh yes we did.  XRB Radio said we needed another day of Christmas extravaganza, and the OTR Express was more than willing to comply, with 2 more shows from the vaults.

The first is a Fibber McGee and Molly program.  If there is such a thing as a homespun literate comedy, it would be FM&M.  From the bustling metropolis of Peoria, IL, Jim and Marian Jordan (FM&M) created these characters; latching on with writer Don Quinn turned this into one of the longest-running and best-loved comedies of all time.  Some remember it for the closet gag, but it was so much more than that. 

A rare photo of John
Brown, star of The
Damon Runyon Theatre
This Christmas show is no different from the show's other offerings; a great litany of jokes and characters that the McGees run into on the way to the post office.

Our second helping is a Damon Runyon Theatre show, called Dancing Dan's Christmas.  This syndicated program offered dramatizations of some of author Damon Runyon's famous characters.  Maybe you've seen Guys & Dolls?  Then you've seen some of Runyon's characters.  I love the DRT, though I warn you, if you listen to too many of them, you start talking in "dems" and "dozes".