Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Show #8 - The Shadow and Superman

The Old Time Radio Express kicks the New Year off with a couple of radio classics - The Shadow and The Adventures of Superman.

The Shadow is a wonderful show, one of those that first drew me into OTR some fifteen plus years ago.  Yes, the plots are often fantastic, but in terms of pure entertainment value, escapism and fun, The Shadow rivals anything on television.  The Shadow broadcast we have for you this week is called "Stake-Out" (for reasons that are slightly unclear) and turns the conventions of The Shadow on its head.  Rather than Lamont Cranston, alias The Shadow, being chased by the cops, Lamont is the one holding the bag.  But did he do it?  Only the Shadow knows....

The second program is the premiere episode of The Adventures of Superman.  Like The Shadow program we have for you, this is not a representative episode of Superman.  There's no Clark Kent, no Superman, no Lois and no arch-criminal.  Instead, it's all back story.  But since this is a first, we'll ignore all that and revel in the hindsight that we're listening to the beginning of an era.

(Clayton "Bud" Collyer portrayed Superman for a decade on radio)